The two-way table shows poll results for preferred flavor of ice cream, vanilla or chocolate, and preferred topping, sprinkles or nuts.

Of the people polled, how many chose vanilla ice cream?

Sprinkles Nuts
Vanilla 9 2
Chocolate 6 7

Vanilla 9

well i think that's the graph that i posted of the vinilla and choclate but im confuse

the answer is 11.

To find the number of people who chose vanilla ice cream, you need to look at the row that represents vanilla in the table. In this case, the row for vanilla has two entries for each topping: 9 people with sprinkles and 2 people with nuts. To find the total number of people who chose vanilla ice cream, you can add these two numbers together. Thus, the number of people who chose vanilla ice cream is 9 + 2 = 11.