Charlotte divided a whole pizza into 4 pieces . One piece formed a straight angle. One piece formed a right angle . Two pieces formed acute angles with the same degree measure

So what is your question?



To determine the degree measure of each type of angle formed by the pizza slices, let's break down the problem and find the solution step by step.

1. A straight angle is formed when two adjacent slices of pizza lie in a straight line, creating a 180-degree angle. Since one of the slices forms a straight angle, we know that it occupies the same degree measure as a straight angle: 180 degrees.

2. A right angle measures 90 degrees. We are given that one slice forms a right angle. Therefore, one slice has an angle measure of 90 degrees.

3. Acute angles are angles smaller than 90 degrees. Since there are only two remaining slices, and they both share the same degree measure, we conclude that these two slices form acute angles with the same degree measure.

Considering there are four slices in total, we have assigned degree measures to three of them: 180 degrees, 90 degrees, and acute angle (x degrees). The remaining slice must, therefore, have an acute angle with the same degree measure as the other two. Thus, the degree measure of each acute angle is x degrees.