1. The position of a particle is given by x= At2 + Beαt, the particle is initially at x = -2.0m with v = 4.0 m/s at t = 0s. After 0.2 s, the velocity is observed to be 5 m/s. What is the acceleration after 1.0s?

do you mean

x = A t^2 + B e^(at)


assuming that then

v = dx/dt = 2 A t + B a e^(at)

acc = dv/dt = 2 A + B a^2 e^(at)

now constraints
at t = 0
-2 = B
4 = -2 a
a = -2
so in fact
x = A t^2 -2 e^(-2t)
v = 2 A t + 4 e^(-2t)
acc = 2 A -8 e^(-2t)
now at t = .2 , v = 5
5 = 2 A(.2) - 8 e^-.4
5 = .4 A - 5.36
A = 25.9
acc = 2(25.9) - 8 e^(-2t)
at t = 1
acc = 51.8 - 1.08
about 51 m/s^2

To find the acceleration after 1.0s, we need to determine the equation for velocity in terms of time and then differentiate it to find the acceleration.

Initial position, x = -2.0m
Initial velocity, v = 4.0m/s
Position as a function of time, x = At^2 + Be^(αt)

To find the values of A, B, and α, we can use the initial position and velocity:

At t = 0, x = -2.0m → -2.0 = A(0)^2 + Be^(α(0)) → -2.0 = 0 + B
This gives us B = -2.0.

At t = 0, v = 4.0m/s → 4.0 = 2A(0) + Bαe^(α(0)) → 4.0 = 0 - 2.0α
This gives us α = -2.0.

Substituting the values of B and α, we have:
x = At^2 - 2e^(-2t)

Now, let's differentiate x with respect to time to find the velocity equation:
v = d/dt (At^2 - 2e^(-2t))
= 2At - 2(-2)e^(-2t)
= 2At + 4e^(-2t)

At t = 0.2s, v = 5m/s → 5 = 2A(0.2) + 4e^(-2(0.2))
Simplifying, we have:
5 = 0.4A + 4e^(-0.4)
0.4A = 5 - 4e^(-0.4)
A = (5 - 4e^(-0.4)) / 0.4

Now, let's find the acceleration at t = 1.0s:
a = dv/dt = d/dt (2At + 4e^(-2t))
= 2A - 4(2)e^(-2t)
= 2[(5 - 4e^(-0.4)) / 0.4] - 8e^(-2(1))
= (10 - 8e^(-0.4)) / 0.4 - 8e^(-2)

Calculating further, we find the value of 'a'.

To find the acceleration after 1.0 second, we first need to find the values of the constants A, B, and α in the equation x = At^2 + Be^αt. We can use the given initial conditions to determine these values.

x = -2.0 m at t = 0s
v = 4.0 m/s at t = 0s
v = 5 m/s at t = 0.2s

Let's start by finding the value of B.

At t = 0s, we have:
x = A(0)^2 + Be^(α*0)
-2.0 = 0 + B

Therefore, B = -2.0.

Now, let's find the value of A.

At t = 0s, we have:
v = dx/dt (differentiating equation x = At^2 + Be^(αt) with respect to t)
4.0 = 2At + Bαe^(α*0)
4.0 = 2A(0) + Bα(1)
4.0 = 0 + Bα

Since we found B = -2.0, we can substitute it in the equation above:
4.0 = (-2.0)α

Hence, α = -2.0/4.0 = -0.5.

Now that we have determined the values of A, B, and α, we can find the acceleration at t = 1.0s.

The acceleration, a, is given by:
a = d^2x/dt^2 (taking the second derivative of equation x = At^2 + Be^(αt) with respect to t)

Differentiating x = At^2 + Be^(αt) with respect to t, we get:
dx/dt = 2At + Bαe^(αt)

Differentiating again:
d^2x/dt^2 = 2A + Bα^2e^(αt)

Substituting the values of A, B, and α we found:
d^2x/dt^2 = 2A + (-2.0)(-0.5)^2e^(-0.5*1.0)
d^2x/dt^2 = 2A + 2.0e^(-0.5)
d^2x/dt^2 = 2A + 2.0e^(-0.5)

Since we don't have the value of A, we cannot directly calculate the acceleration for t = 1.0s. We would need additional information about the system or the specific value of A to proceed further.