How much will $100 grow to if invested at a continuously compounded interest rate of 10.75% for 8 years?

Here are several tools to calculate compound interest:

To calculate the future value of an investment with continuously compounded interest, you can use the formula:

FV = P * e^(rt)

FV = Future Value
P = Principal (initial investment)
e = Euler's number (approximately 2.71828)
r = Interest rate
t = Time (in years)

In this case, the principal is $100, the interest rate is 10.75% (or 0.1075 as a decimal), and the time is 8 years.

Plugging these values into the formula:

FV = $100 * e^(0.1075 * 8)

First, calculate the exponent:

0.1075 * 8 = 0.86

Next, calculate e^(0.86) using a calculator or a math library. Let's assume the result is approximately 2.36.

Finally, calculate the future value:

FV = $100 * 2.36 = $236

Therefore, if you invest $100 at a continuously compounded interest rate of 10.75% for 8 years, it will grow to approximately $236.