Find the number that completes the equation.

blank = 2
----- ---
4 20





Please explain how I could solve this. :)

2 = 2

Let me rewrite the problem here.

0/4 = 2/20

Solve for the 0 and thanks.

what do u mean by 2=2?

nm and thanks

x/4 = 2/20

Cross multiply and solve for x.

To find the missing number in the equation, you need to solve the fraction equation:

blank / 4 = 2 / 20

To solve this equation, you can cross-multiply. Cross-multiplying means multiplying the numerator of one side by the denominator of the other side.

So, you would calculate:

20 * blank = 2 * 4

Simplifying this equation:

20 * blank = 8

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 20 to isolate the variable 'blank':

blank = 8 / 20

Simplifying the fraction:

blank = 2/5

Therefore, the missing number in the equation is 2/5. Looking at the answer choices, you can see that the correct option is 2/5.