Benjamin Franklin was both a statesman and an inventor.

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That's correct! Benjamin Franklin was indeed a statesman and an inventor. As a statesman, Franklin played a crucial role in the formation of the United States. He was one of the Founding Fathers and was involved in drafting important documents such as the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Franklin also served as a diplomat, representing the United States in France during the American Revolution.

As an inventor, Franklin is best known for his experiments with electricity. He famously flew a kite during a thunderstorm to prove that lightning was a form of electricity. This experiment led to the invention of the lightning rod, which helps protect buildings from lightning strikes. Franklin also invented other practical devices, such as bifocal glasses and the Franklin stove, which improved heating efficiency.

To learn more about Benjamin Franklin's contributions as a statesman, you can study American history textbooks, read biographies about him, or explore reputable online sources. Additionally, visiting museums or historical sites related to the American Revolution can provide valuable information about his role as a statesman.

To learn about Franklin's inventions, you can refer to his own writings, such as his autobiography, where he describes his experiments and creations. You can also explore books or websites dedicated to the history of science and invention, as they often cover Franklin's work in detail. Museums with exhibits on science and technology, such as the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, may also offer insights into his inventions.