6) 108 is 36% of what number? Write and solve a proportion to solve the problem.

Step 1. First, I will write the proportion to find the missing value, which I will replace it with n.
108/n = 36/100

Step 2. Next, I will write the cross products. So, 36n = 108 x 100 = 10,800

Step 3. I will divide each side by 36.
36n/36 = 10,800/36

Step 4. Lastly, I will simplify. Which will be, n = 300.

So, 108 is 36% of 300.

When Ms. Sue Don't check our answers or says "You are a lousy guesser."

Ms. Sue gets tons of dislikes
When Ms. Sue tells us the answer or checks our answer
Us: Thank you, Ms. Sue You are the best!
Ms. Sue gets tons of likes.

Great work!

You're very welcome, Lizzie. And thanks for the compliment.

Thank you Ms. Sue, you're the best!

Apology for the "ONE", I didn't meant to do all capital letters.


Ms. Sue is amazing she doesn't even need to be a teacher to help us out I hate how people disrespect her and think she's not a real teacher, but even so you don't have to be a teacher to help students 🌸

shut up EvaDoesDumbStuff u were busy telling someone that her life story didn't matter...ugh u know what forget it this happened last year

Ms. Sue was amazing, after a long and harsh battle with cancer she eventually passed away a few years back. As a highschooler I came back to see what was up with good old jiskha. Ms. Sue is in peace now, let her rest. Please do not spend disrespect with swear words, it is incredibly naïve and sickening of you all. I hope you achieve success everyone, and Rest In Peace Ms. Sue. Goodbye - Thomas


Ms. Sue is awesome


Thank you Ms.Sue everyone else says ur mean but I think u r amazing! =D

I love Miss Sue She is a great teacher and for all its worth she helps me succeed and do better

woah ppl are still talking on this O_o

Thankyou Miss Sue

Angelina the person who submitted the question is right, just rephrase it or something and you'll be set.

I don't understand how she explained it Mrs. Sue can you explain it better please :)

wait what I thought she had heart failure back at the beginning of 2019.

Yeah Miss Sue died from heart failure around 2018 - 2019 or something like that!

Well thats sad and the answer is right

Thanks i understand it now :)

Happy 2023 im a month early

I want answers know

Happy 2022 im a month late

Is it correct i have a test cause my answer was 64.8

Good job. You did well. Complementing teachers is GREAT idea too. Who knows? -Shhh- They may give you extra credit. :D