ok im doing a crossword puzzle on the constitution info...i'm doing 11th grade history and i just need 2 answers left... the 1sr is , powers of both the state and federal governments (but the third letter is s) ..2nd is and anti federalist (during the constitution time)

How many letters in each answer? If you're almost finished with the crossword, do you have any other letters already filled in?

actually the first one is poers kept by the state governments

first one...third letter is an s and the fifth is r

second one...fifth letter is o

For the first clue, "powers of both the state and federal governments," with the third letter being "s," you're likely looking for the word "concurrent." Concurrent powers refer to the powers that are shared by both the state and federal governments in a federal system.

To find this answer in a crossword puzzle, here's what you can do:

1. Look for intersecting words: Check if any of the already filled words in the puzzle intersect with the missing letters of this clue. This will give you some potential letters to work with.

2. Cross-reference other clues: Consider the clues that intersect with the missing letter, especially clues that have a "s" as the third letter. The overlapping letters between the intersecting words and the current clue can help you deduce the correct answer.

3. Check the word length: Make sure that the length of the word you are filling matches the number of squares available in the puzzle for that particular clue.

As for the second clue, "an anti-federalist during the Constitution time," you are likely looking for the name "Patrick Henry." Patrick Henry was a prominent figure during the time of the Constitution, known for his opposition to the ratification of the Constitution and his belief in maintaining strong state governments.

To find this answer in your crossword puzzle, you can follow similar steps as mentioned earlier:

1. Check intersecting words: Look for other filled words that intersect with the missing letters of this clue. This will give you some letters to work with.

2. Cross-reference other clues: See if any intersecting clues can provide you with the necessary letters to complete this answer.

3. Verify word length: Make sure the length of the word you're filling matches the available squares in the puzzle for this clue.

Remember to keep trying different combinations of words and letters until you find the correct answers. Happy solving!