Eli sees a puddle in parking lot after a rainstorm. The next day, the puddle has gotten smaller. Which of the following most likely happened to the water in the puddle?

It condensed.

It evaporated. (MY ANSWER)

It became colder.

It transpired.

Its B: Evaporated.

Right, again! :-)

wow ty

To determine which of the choices is the most likely explanation for the puddle getting smaller, we need to understand the processes of condensation, evaporation, becoming colder, and transpiration.

1. Condensation: Condensation occurs when water vapor turns into liquid water upon contact with a colder surface. However, in this scenario, we are told that the puddle got smaller, indicating that water was lost rather than gained, making condensation an unlikely option.

2. Evaporation: Evaporation occurs when a liquid (water, in this case) turns into vapor or gas. Water molecules gain enough kinetic energy to escape into the air. Given that the puddle got smaller, it is more plausible that the water in the puddle evaporated, as it lost water molecules to the surrounding air.

3. Becoming colder: If the water became colder, it would most likely freeze, rather than cause the puddle to get smaller. Freezing would lead to an expansion in volume, resulting in a larger rather than a smaller puddle.

4. Transpiration: Transpiration refers to the process by which plants release water vapor through their leaves. Since the question doesn't mention any plants in or around the parking lot, this explanation is also unlikely.

Based on these considerations, the most likely explanation for the puddle getting smaller is evaporation.