Be precise, find the percent error:

Marcus estimates that 230 people will attend choir concert. There was an actual total if 300 people who attended the choir concert.

(300 - 230)/230 = ?

Multiply the decimal answer by 100.




That's not what I get. How did you arrive at 23.3333%?

(300 - 230)/230 =


about ta marcus

To find the percent error, you need to compare the estimated value with the actual value and then calculate the difference as a percentage of the actual value. Here's how you can do that:

Step 1: Calculate the difference between the estimated value and the actual value.
Estimated Value: 230
Actual Value: 300
Difference = Actual Value - Estimated Value = 300 - 230 = 70

Step 2: Calculate the percent error.
Percent Error = (|Difference| / Actual Value) x 100
Percent Error = (|70| / 300) x 100
Percent Error = 0.2333 x 100
Percent Error ≈ 23.33%

Therefore, the percent error in Marcus's estimation of the number of people attending the choir concert is approximately 23.33%.
