1.)Spain gave parts of Florida to the United States as a result of which of the following?

A.)Monroe Doctrine

B.)Manifest Destiny

C.)Adams-Onis Treaty***

D.)Missouri Compromise

2.) Which event most likely made the state of Georgia more anxious to remove the Cherokee tribe from their homeland?

A. the discovery of gold in Georgia

B. an outbreak of smallpox within the tribe

C. help given to runaway slaves by the Cherokee tribe***

D. a surge of Spanish missionaries into the tribe

4.)Which statement best describes the purpose of the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

A.)The Missouri Compromise tried to keep a balance between slave territory and free territory as the United States grew.

B.)The Missouri Compromise was an attempt to stop the spread of slavery as new states and territories were added.***

C.)The Missouri Compromise was designed to make sure that slavery would be legal if the residents of a state wanted it to be.

D.)The Missouri Compromise was intended to put off the debate over slavery so it could be decided by later generations.

5.)Nat turner and john Brown were executed by the government for violent acts, buy were heroes to many americans. which statement best explains why many americans admired them?

A.)Both men freed many slaves before they died.

B.)Both men rebelled against unpopular state governments.

C.)Both men fought against slavery and paid with their lives.***

D.)Both men inspired harsher laws for dealing with runaway slaves.

6.)Which evidence of assimilation might see in a painting of a cherokee woman in the 1800's?

A.)The women is wearing makeup that resembles war paint

B.)The woman's hair is dark and arranged in a very long braid

C.)The women is wearing a European-style gown decorated with glass*** beads

D.)The women is wearing a headdress that includes many different types of feathers

7.)Which answer best describes the U.S National Road?

A.)It ran from Atlanta to Baltimore and followed the railroad.***

B.)It ran from New York to Chicago and was made from wooden planks.

C.)It ran from Massachusetts to Ohio and ran parallel to the canal system.

D.)It ran from Maryland to Illinois and was made using macadam construction.

8.)Which answer best details an advantage of the train that traveled from the east coast to California?

A.)The train across the country was always on time and extremely safe.

B.)The cross-country train inspired Americans to build a cross-country highway system.

C.)Goods and people could be moved across the country more quickly and more cheaply than ever before.***

D.)The high cost of shipping goods across the country raised their prices and made merchants rich.

9.)How did the Supreme Court ruling on the Indian Removal Act affect Andrew Jackson's course of action regarding Native Americans?

A.)It forced him to change the location of the resettlements but little else.

B.)It forced him to start over and rethink the entire plan for Indian removal.

C.)It forced him to go through the motions of making treaties with the tribes.

D.)It forced him to begin preparing for a Constitutional amendment on Indian removal.

10.)What main problem did john ross have with the treaties between the
U.S government and the cherokee?

A)Slaves were needed to build railroads and new cities in the west.
B)Escaped slaves should not be protected by the governments of free states.
C)New states should be able to choose whether slavery would be legal or not.
D)Southern agriculture was too important to the U.S. economy to lose slave labor.

1.) The correct answer is C) Adams-Onis Treaty. To get the answer, you can research the history of Florida and its acquisition by the United States. The Adams-Onis Treaty, also known as the Transcontinental Treaty, was signed between Spain and the United States in 1819. This treaty resulted in Spain ceding control of Florida to the United States.

2.) The correct answer is A) the discovery of gold in Georgia. To find the answer, you can research the events that led to the forced removal of Native American tribes, including the Cherokee, from their homeland. The discovery of gold in Georgia in the early 19th century sparked a gold rush and increased tensions between white settlers and Native American tribes. This event made the state of Georgia more anxious to remove the Cherokee tribe from their homeland in order to gain access to the valuable gold resources.

4.) The correct answer is B) The Missouri Compromise was an attempt to stop the spread of slavery as new states and territories were added. To determine the purpose of the Missouri Compromise of 1820, you can research the historical context and the debates surrounding slavery at that time. The Missouri Compromise was a measure passed by Congress to maintain a balance between free states and slave states. It admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state, and also prohibited slavery in the northern territories of the Louisiana Purchase above the 36°30' parallel.

5.) The correct answer is C) Both men fought against slavery and paid with their lives. To understand why many Americans admired Nat Turner and John Brown, you can research their actions and the historical context. Nat Turner led a slave rebellion in Virginia in 1831, and John Brown attempted to lead a slave uprising at Harpers Ferry, Virginia in 1859. Both men were seen as heroes by those who opposed slavery because they actively fought against it, even though their actions were violent.

6.) The correct answer is C) The woman is wearing a European-style gown decorated with glass beads. To identify evidence of assimilation in a painting of a Cherokee woman in the 1800s, you can analyze the clothing and accessories depicted. The choice of a European-style gown decorated with glass beads suggests an adoption of European fashion and materials, indicating assimilation into Euro-American culture.

7.) The correct answer is A) It ran from Atlanta to Baltimore and followed the railroad. To describe the U.S National Road, you can research its route and purpose. The U.S National Road, also known as the Cumberland Road, was built between 1811 and 1837. It connected Cumberland, Maryland to Vandalia, Illinois, and was the first federally funded road in the United States. It did not follow the route from Atlanta to Baltimore or incorporate the use of railroads.

8.) The correct answer is C) Goods and people could be moved across the country more quickly and more cheaply than ever before. To identify an advantage of the train that traveled from the east coast to California, you can research the impact of the transcontinental railroad on transportation and trade. The completion of the transcontinental railroad in 1869 revolutionized transportation in the United States, allowing goods and people to be transported across the country more efficiently, quickly, and at a lower cost than before.

9.) The correct answer is C) It forced him to go through the motions of making treaties with the tribes. To understand the Supreme Court ruling on the Indian Removal Act and its impact on Andrew Jackson, you can research the court case Worcester v. Georgia. In this case, the Supreme Court ruled in 1832 that Georgia had no authority over Cherokee lands. However, Jackson defied the ruling and continued with the forced removal of Native American tribes, including the infamous Trail of Tears.

10.) The correct answer is C) New states should be able to choose whether slavery would be legal or not. To determine John Ross's main problem with the treaties between the U.S. government and the Cherokee, you can research his role as a Cherokee leader and the negotiations surrounding the Cherokee's removal. John Ross, as the principal chief of the Cherokee Nation, opposed the treaties because they violated the tribe's sovereignty and did not guarantee their rights to their ancestral lands. Ross believed that the Cherokee should have the right to decide whether slavery would be legal in their territory.