Convert the rate 1000 fluid ounces per 2 hours to cups per minute. Please help, i have a test in 3 days!!!

1000oz/2hr * 1c/16oz * 1hr/60min = (1000)/(2*16*60) c/min

how do u get the 16 because 1 cup equals 8 fluid ounces

To convert the rate from fluid ounces to cups per minute, we need to apply conversion factors. Follow these steps to get the answer:

Step 1: Convert fluid ounces to cups.
1 cup = 8 fluid ounces.

To convert 1000 fluid ounces to cups, divide by the conversion factor:
1000 fluid ounces / 8 fluid ounces = 125 cups

Step 2: Convert hours to minutes.
1 hour = 60 minutes.

To convert 2 hours to minutes, multiply by the conversion factor:
2 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 120 minutes

Step 3: Calculate cups per minute.
To find the rate in cups per minute, divide the total cups by the total minutes:
125 cups / 120 minutes ≈ 1.04 cups per minute.

So, the rate of 1000 fluid ounces per 2 hours is approximately 1.04 cups per minute.