(1) Courtney has 36 photos to arrange on a gallery walk.

Part A

How many arrays can Courtney make with the 36 photos? List all the possible arrays.

Part B
How many factors are there for 36? Write them. What do you notice about the number of factors of 36 and the number arrays Courtney can make with the photos?

(2) The dividend is a multiple of 4. The divisor is a factor of 12. The quotient is a factor of 18. Choose numbers from the box to find one possible solution.

2 3 4 6 8 9 12 36

Plz help me.

I need help please

The arrays and the factors are the same.

Correction -- 4 * 9 = 36

I do not understand

idk im bored


What you didn't tell as the answer

2 * 18

3 * 12
3 * 9
6 * 6



A and B

Factors of 36
2 * 18
3 * 12
3 * 9
6 * 6

Ok London Martin

I DON"T GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don’t understand your arrangement.

Lol idk sorry

did not help