What is the uncertainty of a physics lab? What does uncertainty mean? Let's say I'm measuring a height of where the ball is on the ramp and let go of the ball and the ball hits the ground and we use our eyes to see how far the ball lands from the ramp next to another ruler.

lands before the ball bounces off

If you are into modern physics, there is a low but finite possibility of anything. In fact you might not be there where you think you are at all. Luckily you usually are on the same side of the wall you were before you did not move.

Look here maybe:


particularly the wave probability stuff.

According to the de Broglie hypothesis, every object in the universe is a wave, a situation which gives rise to this phenomenon. The position of the particle is described by a wave function \Psi(x,t). The time-independent wave function of a single-moded plane wave of wavenumber k0 or momentum p0 is

\psi(x) \propto e^{ik_0 x} = e^{ip_0 x/\hbar} ~.

The Born rule states that this should be interpreted as a probability density function in the sense that the probability of finding the particle between a and b is

\operatorname P [a \leq X \leq b] = \int_a^b |\psi(x)|^2 \, \mathrm{d}x ~.

In the case of the single-moded plane wave, |\psi(x)|^2 is a uniform distribution. In other words, the particle position is extremely uncertain in the sense that it could be essentially anywhere along the wave packet. Consider a wave function that is a sum of many waves, however, we may write this as

\psi(x) \propto \sum_{n} A_n e^{i p_n x/\hbar}~,

In physics, uncertainty refers to the measurement error or the range of possible values that a measurement could have. It indicates the degree of confidence or accuracy in a particular measurement.

When measuring the height of the ball on the ramp and the distance it travels after being released, there are several potential sources of uncertainty. Here's how you can determine the uncertainty in this case:

1. Instrumental uncertainty: Firstly, you need to consider the precision and accuracy of the ruler you are using to measure the height and distance. Each ruler has a certain division or smallest unit it can measure, such as millimeters or centimeters. The uncertainty associated with this ruler can be estimated to be half the smallest division.

2. Human observation uncertainty: Since you mentioned using your eyes to measure the distance the ball lands from the ramp next to another ruler, there can be additional uncertainty due to human observation. This can be subjective and influenced by factors like reaction time, parallax error, and estimation errors.

To estimate this uncertainty, you can repeat the measurement several times by releasing the ball from the same height and observe where it lands each time. Then, calculate the standard deviation of these measurements. The standard deviation will represent the spread or uncertainty in your observations.

It's important to note that to obtain a more precise and accurate measurement, you may want to consider using other measurement techniques, such as using a more precise ruler or incorporating video analysis software to track the motion of the ball.

By taking into account the instrumental uncertainty and human observation uncertainty, you can have a better understanding of the overall uncertainty associated with your measurements in the physics lab.