A historical scene depicting the era of the rule of Emperor Tewdros II. Envision a large ornate throne room with high ceilings, filled with whispers and hushed discussions as two shadowy factions lurk at the corners, symbolizing internal resistance. The Emperor, an African man, sits sternly on his throne, his gaze roaming over his court, while the two distinct challenges to his policy are subtly symbolized by a pair of differently shaped antique swords crossed behind his throne.

The Two Main Internal Challenges To The Policy Of Emperor Tewdros II Came From ......And .....

Where is the answer dude you all are writing false question write the truth question I want the truth question ahhhhhhhh 😡😡😡

where is the answer


The twsmyia internal challanges to the pauch or emperor tewodros ii came from ....and....



Shewa& Gojam

Shoa/shewa And Gojjam


I need answer

The answer is

Gohan &for goes buchen

The Two main internal challenge to the policy of emperor tewadros II from?

The correct answer is this cleragy and regional lords

peoples and polotics

Gojjam & Shoa/Shewa

church and his policy

Shewa and wollo


"shoa" & "gojam"

Shoa& Gojam

the two main internal challenges to the policy of emperor tewodros 2 came from

___and ____

the two main internal challenges to the policy of emperor Tewodros