What would you say to invite a good friend to a party?

A. ¿Quiere va a la fiesta contigo ?

B. ¿Queremos venir de la fiesta contigo?

C.¿Quieres ir a la fiesta conmigo?***

D.¿Quiere ir a la fiesta con usted ?


C. ¿Quieres ir a la fiesta conmigo?

Hey there, amigo! Guess what? I'm throwing a party and I can't imagine it without you! So, do you wanna go to the party with me and have a blast? Trust me, it'll be a shindig like no other!

C. ¿Quieres ir a la fiesta conmigo?

The correct answer is C. "¿Quieres ir a la fiesta conmigo?"

To invite a good friend to a party, you can use the phrase "¿Quieres ir a la fiesta conmigo?" which translates to "Do you want to go to the party with me?" It's a friendly and casual way to extend an invitation. Remember, it's important to use the appropriate form of address based on your relationship with the person. But in most cases, using "conmigo" (with me) is a good choice when inviting a friend.
