The distance between troy city is 315 miles. How far apart are they on the map?

Not only is your sentence incomplete, but you provide no information as to the scale of the map.

try proofreading your posts...

To determine the distance between two places on a map, you need to know the scale of the map. The scale represents the proportion between distances on the map and the actual distances on the ground.

Let's say the map has a scale of 1 inch = 10 miles. In this case, you can use this scale to find out the distance between the cities on the map.

First, divide the actual distance between the cities by the scale factor to find the distance on the map:

Distance on map = Actual distance / Scale factor

Using the given information, the actual distance between the cities is 315 miles. Assuming the scale of the map is 1 inch = 10 miles, we can calculate the distance on the map as follows:

Distance on map = 315 miles / 10 miles = 31.5 inches

Therefore, the distance between the two cities on the map is 31.5 inches.