what is the height length and width of a jolly rancher in centimeters?

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To find the height, length, and width of a Jolly Rancher in centimeters, you would typically need to measure a physical Jolly Rancher with a ruler or a measuring tape. However, since I cannot physically measure objects, I can provide you with some general information.

Jolly Ranchers are small, hard candies that come in various shapes and sizes. The size of a Jolly Rancher can vary, but a typical Jolly Rancher candy is roughly 1.5 centimeters (0.6 inches) in length, 1.5 centimeters (0.6 inches) in width, and 0.5 centimeters (0.2 inches) in height. These dimensions are a rough estimate and can vary slightly depending on the specific Jolly Rancher flavor and shape.

If you have a Jolly Rancher candy with you, I recommend using a ruler or a measuring tool to get an accurate measurement of its dimensions in centimeters.

From what I've been able to read about Jolly Rancher candy, it comes in many varieties. Perhaps you can be more specific and/or give us the dimensions in some other unit for us to help you convert to cm.

.25 cubic inches

I don’t know probably the same the size of a jolly rancher. A jolly rancher is the same size as a jolly rancher right? All I’m hear to say is that this app is sucks