3. Which of the following best describes the impact of European contact on Native American populations in southeastern North America during the 14th and 15th centuries?

a. Europeans had a positive effect impact on Native Americans because the primitive Indians were gained access to advanced technologies.
b. Europeans had a negative effect on Native Americans because the indigenous people suffered the loss of all their cultural landmarks.
c. Europeans had both a positive and negative impact on Native Americans because trade brought metal tools but diseases caused huge losses.
d. Europeans had no effect on the lives of Native Americans because they ignored each other.

I think it's c but i'm not sure.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to evaluate the impact of European contact on Native American populations in southeastern North America during the 14th and 15th centuries.

Option a: Europeans had a positive impact on Native Americans because the indigenous people gained access to advanced technologies. This statement is not accurate for the specific time period given. During the 14th and 15th centuries, European technologies were not advanced compared to the Native American civilizations they encountered.

Option b: Europeans had a negative impact on Native Americans because the indigenous people suffered the loss of all their cultural landmarks. While European contact did result in the destruction of some Native American cultural landmarks, such as religious sites and structures, this option is not comprehensive enough to describe the overall impact.

Option c: Europeans had both a positive and negative impact on Native Americans because trade brought metal tools, but diseases caused huge losses. This option is the most accurate answer. European contact did bring some benefits to Native Americans through trade, introducing metal tools that improved their daily lives. However, the introduction of new diseases, such as smallpox, had devastating effects on Native American populations, resulting in significant loss of life.

Option d: Europeans had no effect on the lives of Native Americans because they ignored each other. This option is not accurate. European contact had a significant impact on Native Americans, economically, socially, and demographically.

Based on the above analysis, option c is the best answer. European contact had both positive effects, such as trade and access to metal tools, and negative effects, such as the spread of diseases that caused significant population losses.

Europeans didn't even know about the Americas in the 14th and 15th centuries. The 15th century ended in 1499, just 7 years after Columbus "discovered" it.

So, d?

Ignoring each implies contact. I suppose, if you must choose one -- and the question is right, then d is the best.