1. How did the US Constitution solve the problem created by a weak executive branch in the Articles of Confederation?

A) it gave the president control of the legislature
B) it gave the president power to enforce congressional law
C) it required that each state be given an equal vote *
D) it required unanimous consent of states to be amended

2. The Articles of Confederation did not fully reflect the principle of "republicanism" because

A) it stated one political party should maintain most of the power
B) voters had no say in who represented them in federal government
C) state governments were inferior to the national government
D) representatives from each state government were elected by the people

^ I know it isn't C because I read my notes on the Articles of Confederation but that's all I could find

1, C - no

2. Did the articles mention political parties? Did they say that people couldn't vote? Did it allow representatives from each state to be elected?

1. Okay, is there any page you can link me to that would help me find the answer?

2. Here is a quote from my notes:

"One main obstacle was the number of representatives each state would have in Congress. The small states wanted every state to have the same number of representatives, while the larger states wanted representation based on each state's population. Finally, the delegates agreed that each state would receive the same number of members in one house, the Senate, but that number of members in the House of Representatives would be based on a state's population."

But that's all it says about representatives and such ^

Oh, actually I looked through my notes again for question 1 and I believe it is D, can you confirm if that's correct?

But 1.D doesn't mention the executive branch.

1. Ok I think its B then because I know the executive branch enforces laws

