a bicyclist started riding at 8 am and at 4.5 miles to 8;18 am to 7.5 miles to 8;48 am what was the bicylists rate of speed in mph

8 am at 0

8:18 at 4.5
8:48 at 7.5 miles ???

18 min = .3 hour
48 min = .8 hour

in first .3 hours speed = 4.5/.3 = 15 mph

in next .5 hours = speed = 3/.5 = 6 mph

average speed for the whole trip = 7.5 miles/.8 hours = 9.375 mph

lit hw is done

Thank you so much!

To calculate the bicyclist's rate of speed, you need to determine the time it took to travel the given distances and then use the formula:

Rate of Speed = Distance / Time

First, let's calculate the time it took for each segment:

From 8 am to 8:18 am: 18 minutes = 0.3 hours
From 8:18 am to 8:48 am: 30 minutes = 0.5 hours

Now, substitute the values into the formula for each segment:

Rate of Speed for the first segment = 4.5 miles / 0.3 hours
Rate of Speed for the second segment = 7.5 miles / 0.5 hours

Calculate the rates of speed:

Rate of Speed for the first segment = 15 miles per hour
Rate of Speed for the second segment = 15 miles per hour

Therefore, the bicyclist's rate of speed is 15 miles per hour.