Solve by completing the square ( find the vertex only)



Recall that (x-a)^2 = x^2-2ax+a^2

k^2-18k+50 = 0
k^2-18k = -50

Now, you want half of the coefficient of k and square it, so you have a perfect square. Then, to keep things equal, you have to add it to the right side as well.

k^2-18k+81 = -50+81
(k-9)^2 = 31
k-9 = ±√31
k = 9±√31

Now do the other the same way.


To solve quadratic equations by completing the square, follow these steps:

1. Write the equation in the form: ax^2 + bx + c = 0.

For the first equation: K^2 - 18k + 50 = 0, we already have it in this form with a = 1, b = -18, and c = 50.

2. Move the constant term (c) to the right side of the equation, leaving space to complete the square.

K^2 - 18k = -50

3. Take half of the coefficient of the x-term (b) and square it.

For the first equation: b = -18, half of -18 is -9, and (-9)^2 = 81.

4. Add the squared term from step 3 to both sides of the equation.

K^2 - 18k + 81 = -50 + 81


(K - 9)^2 = 31

5. Rewrite the equation in vertex form: (x - h)^2 = k.

For the first equation, the vertex form is:

(K - 9)^2 = 31

Comparing this form with the general form (x - h)^2 = k, we can see that the vertex (h, k) is (9, 31).

Now, let's solve the second equation:

1. Write the equation in the form: ax^2 + bx + c = 0.

For the second equation: M^2 + 500m + 100 = 0, we already have it in this form with a = 1, b = 500, and c = 100.

2. Move the constant term (c) to the right side of the equation, leaving space to complete the square.

M^2 + 500m = -100

3. Take half of the coefficient of the x-term (b) and square it.

For the second equation: b = 500, half of 500 is 250, and (250)^2 = 62500.

4. Add the squared term from step 3 to both sides of the equation.

M^2 + 500m + 62500 = -100 + 62500


(M + 250)^2 = 62400

5. Rewrite the equation in vertex form: (x - h)^2 = k.

For the second equation, the vertex form is:

(M + 250)^2 = 62400

Comparing this form with the general form (x - h)^2 = k, we can see that the vertex (h, k) is (-250, 62400).

So, for the first equation, the vertex is (9, 31), and for the second equation, the vertex is (-250, 62400).