What number is 73% of 215? (1 point)

215 = 0.73n
n = 0.73 × 215
0.73 = n × 215
215 = 73n
2. What percent of 94 is 23? (1 point)
n/94 = 23/100
23/94 = n/100
94/n = 23/100
23/94 = 100/n
3. 80 is 40% of what number? (1 point)
4. Find the commission on a $1,250 sale with a commission rate of 5%. (1 point)
5. Jessica bought a computer for $325 and had to pay 6% sales tax. What was the total cost of Jessica’s computer? (1 point)



You are asking us to help and have not even tried?

All of us here have already passed the subject. We do not need practice taking percentages.
Please post your attempts.
Do not expect us to just do homework or exams for you.

You can find instruction on how to calculate percentages here:


OMG YOUR RIGHT I FORGOT TO MARK MY QUESTIONS OMG THANKS Ill repost it with my Answers okay sorry typo

Thanks for the answers, they re all right :)

yep 100%

1. To find what number is 73% of 215, you need to calculate 0.73 multiplied by 215. So, the answer is 0.73 * 215 = 156.95. Therefore, 73% of 215 is approximately 156.95.

2. To find what percent of 94 is 23, you need to set up a proportion. You can write it as n/94 = 23/100. Cross-multiply and solve for n. So, n = (23 * 94) / 100 = 21.62. Therefore, 23 is approximately 21.62% of 94.

3. To determine what number 80 is 40% of, you need to divide 80 by 0.40 or multiply 80 by 100/40. So, 80 / 0.40 = 200. Therefore, 80 is 40% of 200.

4. To calculate the commission on a $1,250 sale with a commission rate of 5%, you need to multiply the sale amount by the commission rate. So, $1,250 * 0.05 = $62.50. Therefore, the commission on a $1,250 sale with a 5% commission rate is $62.50.

5. To find the total cost of Jessica's computer with a price of $325 and a 6% sales tax, you need to calculate the sales tax amount and add it to the original price. To find the sales tax amount, multiply $325 by 0.06. So, $325 * 0.06 = $19.50. Adding the sales tax to the original price gives you the total cost. Therefore, $325 + $19.50 = $344.50. Therefore, the total cost of Jessica's computer is $344.50.