6. Which inequality matches the graph?

The graph is
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 and there is a red line from 1 to -3

The answer is 3x + 1 _< 4 but idk why?

19. Which inequality matches the graph?
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 and it has a red line from 2 to 4

the answer is 8p + 5 > 21 but idk why?

Can someone help me plz? :)

literally what are we going to use any of this stuff in the real world

Ion know the answer this sum bs


I have no idea what your two redlines look like

Please give me two points on each line
(X1,Y1) , (X2,Y2)
or a slope and an intercept or something.

I see, your graph is on a number line

Its fine thank you tho! :)

boi I am cofusion \_(0.0)_/

Guys they are literally telling us what their graph looks like

I need the answer😭

Yah it is

bruh i am also cofusion owO



Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiuuiuuuuprgkfgig g khrigis ha yes he he he eejrgihfithifktr

if 3x+1 = 4

x = 1
when x = -3,
3x+1 = -8

I have no idea, sorry