For each word, label the parts of speech.

We have to leave immediately to go to the meeting at the recreation center.
1. pronoun
2. verb
3. verb
4. verb
5. adverb
6. verb
7. verb
11. preposition
12. adjective (article)
13. adjective, noun
Can you check my answers? Thanks

13 is a noun, used as an adjective, as often happens in English.

14 is a noun

Looks good otherwise.

ok thanks

Please number the words in the sentence.

Your first two answers, we = pronoun, have = verb are correct. However, to is not a verb.

are all of them a preposition

all of them is not a preposition.

Only "of" is a preposition.

No, I was asking if all the "to" were preposition in the sentence

Certainly! Let's go through each word and label its part of speech:

1. "We" - pronoun (referring to the speaker and others)
2. "have" - verb (present tense of the verb "have")
3. "to leave" - verb phrase (infinitive form of the verb "leave")
4. "immediately" - adverb (modifies the verb "leave," indicating the urgency)
5. "to" - preposition (shows the relationship between "leave" and "go to")
6. "go" - verb (present tense of the verb "go")
7. "to" - preposition (shows the relationship between "go" and "meeting")
8. "the" - adjective (article, specifying that the noun "meeting" is specific)
9. "meeting" - noun (referring to the event to be attended)
10. "at" - preposition (shows the relationship between "meeting" and "recreation center")
11. "the" - adjective (article, specifying that the noun "recreation center" is specific)
12. "recreation" - adjective (specifying the type of center)
13. "center" - noun (referring to the location)

Your answers are mostly correct! However, there are a few corrections needed.

8. "the" - article (it functions as an article here, not an adjective)
12. "recreation" - adjective (it describes the noun "center," so it is functioning as an adjective)

So the corrected labels would be:

8. "the" - article
12. "recreation" - adjective

Great job overall!