Tom takes 3 days to do a piece of work while jerry takes only one day for the same. Together, they both can finish the job in 15 days. In how many days tom will finish the work?

The same typo question

60 days

Answer is 60 days...!

Number of days in which both Tom and Jerry can finish the job =15

Work to be done by tom in 15 days @ 3days per work =15/3=5
Work to be done by jerry in 15 days @ 1day per work=15/1=15
Work done by both of them in 15days=5+15=20
No. of days in which Tom will finish the work =3×20=60 days

To find out how many days Tom will take to finish the work, we can use the concept of combined work.

Let's calculate the work done by Tom in one day:
Tom completes 1/3 of the work in one day since he takes 3 days to complete the whole work (1 day = 1/3 of the work).

Similarly, Jerry completes 1/1 of the work in one day since he takes only 1 day to complete the work.

Now, when Tom and Jerry work together for 15 days, the total work completed by them is 15 times the combined work done by both of them in one day.

Combined work done by Tom and Jerry in one day = 1/3 + 1/1 = 4/3

Total work done by Tom and Jerry in 15 days = (4/3) * 15 = 60/3 = 20 units of work.

Since Tom completes 1/3 of the work in one day, we can assume he finishes 1 unit of work in x days.

Therefore, 1/3 * x = 20 (work done by Tom in x days)

Simplifying the equation, we get:
x = 20 * 3 = 60

Hence, Tom will take 60 days to finish the work on his own.