How do u write

"03 December 2015"
in 5 letters without using numbers ??


Pls send me answer

5 December 2015 5 letter without using number

Plz tell me that how can v write 3rd december without using numbers in five letters?

To express the date "03 December 2015" in 5 letters without using numbers, you can use the following approach:

1. Start by finding shorter substitutes for each element of the date.

- "03" can be represented as "the third," which is 8 letters long.
- "December" can be represented as "Dec," which is 3 letters long.
- "2015" can be represented as "the year," which is 7 letters long.

2. Combine these substitutes together:

"the third Dec the year" -> 8 + 3 + 7 = 18 letters.

So, you cannot represent "03 December 2015" in 5 letters without using numbers.