Help correct my work?

Which of the following sentences from The Forbidden Fruit does not contain an example of hyperbole?
"The ban provoked hot dreams and icy abstinence."
"The smell of fried pork made me faint."
"I would loiter for hours in front of the food store showcases and contemplate sausages beaded with far and dappled with pork."
"I imagined myself skinning these sausages and letting my teeth sink into the juicy, luxuriant meat." ***my answer

Which of the following is not a theme of Forbidden Fruit?

Family is about forgiveness
Jealousy breeds hate
Restricting oneself from simple pleasures can lead to envy
Public belief and personal action are often very different***my answer

What type of sentence structure is exemplified by the sentence below?

Blowing in the breeze, the flowers made me feel calm.

complex***my answer

1. D

2. A
3. B
4. B

Correct answers.

D) "I imagined myself skinning these sausages and letting my teeth sink into the juicy, luxuriant meat"

A) Family is about forgiveness
B) that loyalty to one's family is a moral imperative
B) complex

added the actual answers incase the letters don't match

Number one is d not c

Yep, the answers were DABB! Thanks :3

dabb is correct

1. Which of the following sentences from "The Forbidden Fruit" does NOT contain an example of hyperbole? (Answer is D)

A. "The ban provoked hot dreams and icy abstinence."
B. "The smell of fried pork made me faint."
C. "I would loiter for hours in front of the food store showcases and contemplate sausages
beheaded with fat and dappled with pork."
D. "I imagined myself skinning these sausages and letting my teeth sink into the juicy, luxuriant meat."

2. Which of the following is NOT a theme of "Forbidden Fruit?" (Answer is A)
A. Family is about forgiveness.
B. Jealousy breeds hate.
C. Restricting oneself from simple pleasures can lead to envy.
D. Public belief and personal action are often very different.

3. What does the speaker, in "Forbidden Fruit," MOST LIKELY learn as a result of tattling on his sister? (Answer is B)
A. To avoid speaking of pork around his father
B. That loyalty to one's family is a moral imperative
C. The importance of timing and thinking before speaking
D. That the truth mist always be revealed despite the costs

4. What type of sentence structure is exemplified by the sentence below? (Answer is B)
"Blowing in the breeze, the flowers made me feel clam."
A. Simple
B. Complex
C. Compound
D. Compound-complex

These answers are from 1/3/2022 (Answers: DABB)

Somemthing is correct, just took the quick check!!

ily ur welcome

thanks ur welcome <3

dec 2021

Something is correct.


Trust me if you want. :/ Your choice.

is it "the smell of fried pork made me faint."

And compound sentence?


this is for connexus

loll, the correct answer is "dab" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I don't know about the second question, but the first and third answers are wrong.

Noo. The Answers to this are

D setting
A an even greater destruction in following scenes
C Compound
D Compound-Complex

personification personified got me a 50% with the last to standing incorrect.