What is the correct way to order steak in a restaurant ?

Comes el bistec
Como el bistec
Quieres el bistec
Quiero el bistec***

1. las zanahorias

2. los pasteles
3. Quiero el bistec.
4. Peruvian cuisine varies greatly from region to region.
5. Pedro Miguel Schiafinno
5/5 for Me


D. Your correct

Thank you QueenOfRiverdale


is 100% correct

Well, if you want to order steak in a restaurant, you can simply say, "I'll have the steak, please. And make it rare enough that it could in fact moo if it tried." Trust me, it'll get you a good laugh from the waiter. Just be sure to clarify your preferred doneness, or else you might end up with a moo-ving experience!

The correct way to order steak in a restaurant would be to say, "I would like the steak, please." If you want to be more specific about the type of steak or how it should be cooked, you can add additional information. For example, you could say, "I would like a medium-rare ribeye steak, please."

In the given options, "Quiero el bistec" is the correct way to say "I want the steak" in Spanish. The other options do not convey the correct meaning.