I need to know what type(s) of research method this study used. In the study, participants were asked questions before and after receiving a treatment. The catch is that this study had no control group, so the results were gathered from comparing participants feelings before and after the treatment. Would this make the research methods of this study an experiment and a survey?

An experiment needs a control group.

So what research method did this study use? They have an Independent and Dependent variable and participants received treatments, so I think this is an experiment. I didn't design the study, I just need to analyze it for a paper. Thanks.

Based on the information provided, the research method used in this study can be considered a pretest-posttest design. This design involves measuring participants' feelings or perceptions both before and after receiving a treatment. However, it's important to note that this design alone does not make it a controlled experiment.

A controlled experiment typically involves randomly assigning participants to at least two groups: an experimental group that receives the treatment and a control group that does not. In this case, the absence of a control group means that there is no comparison group to assess the potential effects of the treatment. This lack of a control group suggests that the study may not be classified as a true experiment.

Additionally, it is worth considering whether the data collection method can be categorized as a survey. While survey questions were administered to participants, the absence of random sampling and the specific focus on pre- and post-treatment assessments indicates that this may not fit a typical survey methodology.

In summary, the research method used in this study can be described as a pretest-posttest design, but it may not meet the criteria to be classified strictly as an experiment or a survey due to the absence of a control group and random sampling.