6. George Washington warned that political parties would (1 point)

divide the nation.
create lively debate.*
help the nation.
destroy states' rights.

7. Federalists believed in (1 point)
free trade.
state banks.*
a national bank.
rule by the people.

8. Which view did Thomas Jefferson NOT hold? (1 point)
rule by wealthy class*
pro­French ideas
strong state government
pro­state banks

9. What made it a crime to speak, write, or publish "false, scandalous, and malicious" criticisms
of the government?
(1 point)
XYZ Affair
Citizen Act
Sedition Act*
Alien Act

10. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions suggested that states might (1 point)
be bound by federal laws.
write their own laws.
nullify federal laws.*
overturn neighboring states' laws.

This is social studies, so...

Sorry..Can someone help

6, 7 are wrong.

The others are right

okay thank you Ms.Sue.. I see how people been treating you...you don't deserve that

6. a

7. c

Got 100

It's only a small minority who take out their frustrations on me. Most of the students are courteous and appreciative.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, YOLO.

Your Welcome, I was that student before but I've change and notice the good things you do..hope everyone will do the same..♥♥♥♥

If you don't mind old are you


For real your really wise..I asked because I saw a post saying you were a 16 year old boy

LOL! Don't believe everything you read online!

lol, I won't is there another website you are on

Just Facebook. But this is the only homework help site that I'm on.

Cool...thanks for helping me..I'm sorry for talking to you this long..I'm 13 turning 14 Jan.

P.S. I am changing my name to hotline bling

You are welcome.

lol that was sweet. (not making fun)

Answers are

1. c
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. A
Don't trust me well that's your problem :P

deeznut :D got em is right i got 100:) u can trust him !!!!!

I got 10/10 all of deez nuts answers are correct.

deez nuts is right! 10/10!

Yes Thank you

What are 11-23 HELP