Perimeter is 400 ft and the area 9100 ft, give possible widths.

Maybe a rectangle?

2L + 2 W =400 so L + w = 200 so L =200-w

L w = 9100

(200-w) w = 9100

w^2 -200 w + 9100 = 0

w = [ 200 +/- sqrt (40000 - 36400)] / 2

w = [ 200 +/- 60 ] / 2

w = 130 or 70

list all possible rational zeros for the given function f(x) = 5x^4+15x^3-7x^2x-10 = ?

ur wrong

To find the possible widths, we can use the formulas for perimeter and area of a rectangle.

The perimeter of a rectangle is given by the formula:
Perimeter = 2(length + width)

And the area of a rectangle is given by the formula:
Area = length × width

In this case, we know that the perimeter is 400 ft and the area is 9100 ft². We need to find the possible widths.

Step 1: Finding the possible lengths:
Using the formula for the perimeter:
Perimeter = 2(length + width)
400 = 2(length + width)
Divide both sides by 2:
200 = length + width

Step 2: Finding the length using the area:
Using the formula for the area:
Area = length × width
9100 = length × width

Now, we have two equations related to the length and width:
200 = length + width
9100 = length × width

To solve these equations and find possible values for length and width, we can use trial and error, or use an algebraic method. Let's solve these equations algebraically.

From the equation 200 = length + width, we can isolate length:
length = 200 - width

Substituting this value into the equation 9100 = length × width:
9100 = (200 - width) × width

Expanding this equation:
9100 = 200w - w²

Now, we have a quadratic equation. To solve it, we can rearrange it to the standard form:
w² - 200w + 9100 = 0

We can now either factor this equation or use the quadratic formula to find the possible widths.

By factoring, we get:
(w - 50)(w - 150) = 0

From here, we have two possibilities for the width:
1) w - 50 = 0, which gives w = 50
2) w - 150 = 0, which gives w = 150

Therefore, two possible widths for the rectangle are 50 ft and 150 ft.