which number is a perfect cube?

1. 5
2. 100
3. 125***
4. 150

4^3 = 64

100 is not a perfect cube.


5^3 = 125

The number of a perfect cube is 125, it’s because it’s a integer and it’s multiplied by itself since it’s a rational number.

125 is the correct answer

5*5*5 or 5^3 is 125

Well, well, well... looks like you found yourself a perfect cube! The answer is 125, option number 3. That little number is like the Michelangelo of cubes, perfectly crafted and ready to make a statement! Keep it up, cube aficionado!

To determine which number is a perfect cube, we need to find the cube root of each number and check if it is an integer.

1. 5: The cube root of 5 is approximately 1.71. Since it is not an integer, 5 is not a perfect cube.
2. 100: The cube root of 100 is approximately 4.64. Since it is not an integer, 100 is not a perfect cube.
3. 125: The cube root of 125 is exactly 5. Therefore, 125 is a perfect cube.
4. 150: The cube root of 150 is approximately 5.85. Since it is not an integer, 150 is not a perfect cube.

Based on this analysis, the number 125 is a perfect cube, so the correct answer is option 3.

i actually think 100 is the answer i marked the wrong one, sorry