Question : Fruit is fuel for a healthy body.

Answer : Personification?
Clues: Personification, Simile, Or Metaphor.

What about Metaphor? I think its kinda being compared as a fuel.

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I don't think this gives a human characteristic to an animal or object.


It looks like a metaphor to me.

Alright. Thank you


Fruit is fuel for a healthy body.Personification, Simile, Or Metaphor.

vegetables are fuel for a healthy human

It's a personification I know becuse a personification is comparing something to a human charicteristic and it saying vegtibles are fuel for a healthy body which is comparing fuel to your energy which gives you your anser... I know its to late now but it Angers me that people are telling you the wrong anser when you could easily get it right so.....

Yes I think metaphor