How many lines of symmetry on the four operating symbols?

Addition sign : 4
Subtraction sign : 2
Multiplication sign : 4
Division sign : 2

looks good to me.

To determine the number of lines of symmetry on a shape, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the shape: In this case, we are looking at the four operating symbols - addition "+", subtraction "-", multiplication "x", and division "÷".

2. Analyze each symbol individually:

- Addition sign ("+"): The addition sign has four lines of symmetry. You can visually divide the symbol into four equal parts by drawing two lines vertically and two lines horizontally.

- Subtraction sign ("-"): The subtraction sign has two lines of symmetry. You can divide the symbol into equal parts by drawing one vertical line and one horizontal line.

- Multiplication sign ("x"): The multiplication sign also has four lines of symmetry. You can divide the symbol into four equal parts by drawing two lines that intersect at a right angle.

- Division sign ("÷"): The division sign has two lines of symmetry. You can divide the symbol into equal parts by drawing one vertical line and one horizontal line.

Therefore, the number of lines of symmetry on each symbol is as follows:

- Addition sign: 4 lines of symmetry
- Subtraction sign: 2 lines of symmetry
- Multiplication sign: 4 lines of symmetry
- Division sign: 2 lines of symmetry