Is wood cut in boards is it a physical change or chemical change, explain

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It would be a physical change because wjat it is made out of stays the same.

The process of cutting wood into boards is a physical change, not a chemical change. Let me explain why.

A physical change is a change that alters the physical properties of a substance without changing its chemical composition. In the case of cutting wood into boards, the wood itself remains chemically the same before and after the process. The chemical bonds present in the wood molecules are not broken or rearranged.

The cutting of wood is purely a mechanical process that involves physically dividing the wood piece into smaller pieces or boards. It does not involve any chemical reactions. The wood fibers are simply separated by using tools such as saws or machines, which cause the wood to be physically divided along its natural grain lines.

To further understand this, you can conduct an experiment by cutting a piece of wood into different shapes and sizes. You will observe that the wood's chemical composition remains unchanged throughout the process. This demonstrates that the change is purely physical.

In summary, cutting wood into boards is a physical change as it only alters the physical properties of the wood without changing its chemical composition.