a car travels 45 km in 1 hour. in each of the next 2 hours, it travels 78 km. what is the average speed of the car?

total distance: 45+2*78 km

total time: 3 hr

that help?

To find the average speed of the car, we need to calculate the total distance traveled by the car and divide it by the total time taken.

First, let's find the total distance traveled by the car. In the first hour, it traveled 45 km. In the next two hours, it traveled a total of 78 km + 78 km = 156 km.

The total distance traveled is 45 km + 156 km = 201 km.

Now, let's find the total time taken. The car traveled for 1 hour in the first leg and an additional 2 hours in the next leg. So, the total time taken is 1 hour + 2 hours = 3 hours.

Finally, to find the average speed, we divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken:

Average speed = Total distance / Total time

Average speed = 201 km / 3 hours

Average speed ≈ 67 km/h

Therefore, the average speed of the car is approximately 67 km/h.

To calculate the average speed of the car, you need to find the total distance traveled and divide it by the total time taken.

In this case, the car traveled 45 km in the first hour, and an additional 78 km in each of the next 2 hours. So the total distance traveled can be calculated as:

45 km + 78 km + 78 km = 201 km

The total time taken is 1 hour + 2 hours = 3 hours.

Now, divide the total distance traveled (201 km) by the total time taken (3 hours) to find the average speed:

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time
Average Speed = 201 km / 3 hours
Average Speed ≈ 67 km/h

Therefore, the average speed of the car is approximately 67 km/h.