1/3 of lunch money was spent on a sandwich, 1/2 spent on water, 1/8 spent on chips. what fraction of money is left

The common denominator is 24

(24/24) - (8/24) - (12/24) - (3/24) = ?



To find the fraction of money that is left, we need to subtract the fractions of money spent from the total amount of money.

Let's start by finding the common denominator for the fractions. In this case, the common denominator is 24 because it is divisible by all the denominators (3, 2, and 8).

The fraction spent on the sandwich is 1/3. To convert this fraction to have a denominator of 24, we multiply the numerator and denominator by 8.
So, 1/3 = 8/24.

The fraction spent on water is 1/2. To convert this fraction to have a denominator of 24, we multiply the numerator and denominator by 12.
So, 1/2 = 12/24.

The fraction spent on chips is 1/8. To convert this fraction to have a denominator of 24, we multiply the numerator and denominator by 3.
So, 1/8 = 3/24.

Now, let's add up the fractions that were spent:
8/24 (sandwich) + 12/24 (water) + 3/24 (chips) = 23/24.

Finally, to find the fraction of money that is left, we subtract the fraction spent from 1 (since 1 represents the whole amount of money):

1 - 23/24 = 1/24.

Therefore, 1/24 of the lunch money is left.