Please Help me figure out HOW to do this

students in classes, displayed below, ate the same ratio of cheese pizza slices to pepperoni pizza slices.
Below is the Slices of Cheese Pizza column from the table. Fill it in with fractions or mixed numbers (like 7 1/2)

Slices of Cheese Pizza

___________ , 6, 8,
_____________ , 313,

To figure out how to fill in the Slices of Cheese Pizza column, you need to understand the given information. It states that the students in the classes ate the same ratio of cheese pizza slices to pepperoni pizza slices. This means that the ratio of cheese pizza slices to pepperoni pizza slices is constant.

To determine the ratio, you can compare the number of cheese pizza slices to the number of pepperoni pizza slices for each given value. Let's say the first value is represented by x.

You are given the following information:

1. The first value is followed by 6 and 8. Let's assume that there are y slices of pepperoni pizza for this case.
Since the ratio is constant, you can set up the following equation:
x/y = 6/1 and x/y = 8/1

2. The second value is followed by 313. Let's assume that there are z slices of pepperoni pizza for this case.
Again, we can set up the equation:
x/z = 313/1

To find the value of x, you need to solve the equations above. Let's solve the first equation:

x/y = 6/1
x = 6y

Similarly, solve the second equation:

x/y = 8/1
x = 8y

Since both equations result in x = y, you can use any value for x and y. Let's assume x = y = 2:

For the first case, the value of x is 2, and let's assume there are 2 slices of cheese pizza and 2 slices of pepperoni pizza.

For the second case, the value of x is 2, and let's assume there are 2 slices of cheese pizza and 313 slices of pepperoni pizza.

Now, you can fill in the Slices of Cheese Pizza column in the table:

Slices of Cheese Pizza
2, 6, 8, 2, 313