3. which if the following factors determines how long a star will live ? ( 1point )

A . star’s color

b. the star’s mass****

c. the star’s diameter

d. the star’s distance from the sun

4 . which of the following causes constellations to appear to move throughout the night sky ? (1point)

A . the earth’s rotation

b. the earth’s revolution around the sun***

c. the stars’ apparent brightness

d . the stars’ absolute brightness

5. which of the following famous constellations is known as orion’s dog ? (1point )

A canid major***

b. scorpius

c. taurus

D/ Cygnus

1. D

2. A,B & C
3. B
4. A
5. A

these are the real answers guys.


If you want you can check out my tick tock (@TwilightCosplay) maybe I've been stuck at 765 for a while so a follow would be greatly appreciated but just dropping by would help my reach that has been de alivened by spam liking (oof)

Thanks Gianna. 100%

Dianna is right

I know some people won't trust me, that is fine but I just want you to know.

Thanks Gianna :) I got a 100%

tysm everyone



thanks so much everyone

Gianna’s right, although I had thought otherwise on one of them but she was right the whole quick check through. 🖤

thank gina i checked my answers and got 100

Yes number 3 is B

thx gianna i got 100 %

Ok cool thanks Giana

Everything was right except B, that's A