vander waal b for oxygen is 32 cm3/mol compute the diameter of o2 molecule

To compute the diameter of an O2 molecule using the given van der Waals constant (b), we can use the following formula:

diameter = 2 * (32 cm³/mol) / (6.02 * 10²³ molecules/mol)

First, we need to convert the given van der Waals constant (b) from cm³/mol to m³/molecule. Since there are 6.02 * 10²³ molecules in a mole, we divide the given value by Avogadro's number:

b = 32 cm³/mol
b = (32 cm³/mol) / (6.02 * 10²³ molecules/mol)

Next, we'll convert cm³ to m³ by dividing by 100^3 (since 1 m = 100 cm):

b = (32 cm³/mol) / (6.02 * 10²³ molecules/mol)
b = (32 * 10^-6 m³/molecule) / (6.02 * 10²³ molecules/mol)

Now, we'll calculate the diameter of the O2 molecule using the formula:

diameter = 2 * b

diameter = 2 * (32 * 10^-6 m³/molecule) / (6.02 * 10²³ molecules/mol)

Finally, we can substitute the values and calculate the diameter:

diameter = 2 * (32 * 10^-6) / (6.02 * 10²³)
diameter ≈ 5.31 * 10^-11 meters

Therefore, the diameter of an O2 molecule is approximately 5.31 * 10^-11 meters.