I am trying to pick a motivational speech topic where I have to convince someone to do something (i.e stop shopping at a store, join a particular organization, etc). However, we have to have 5 credible sources, one of which has to be a peer-reviewed article. So, this limits the number of topics I can pick, based on what research I can find. Even finding research with a general relation to any topic is difficult. Also, I am an IT major, so would prefer a topic in this area.

So, any suggestions for topics?

How about the pros or cons of social media?

You should be able to find peer review articles in this list.


Sure! Given your criteria for credible sources and your preference for an IT-related topic, here are a few suggestions for motivational speech topics that might meet your requirements:

1. The Importance of Cybersecurity Education: Convince individuals to pursue cybersecurity education and training to protect themselves from online threats. Credible sources can include peer-reviewed articles on cybersecurity trends and the impact of cyberattacks.

2. The Benefits of Open Source Software: Encourage individuals to adopt and contribute to open-source software projects. You can support your speech with credible sources like peer-reviewed articles on the advantages of open-source software and its impact on innovation.

3. The Power of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Persuade your audience to embrace the use of AI in healthcare for improved diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. Seek credible sources like peer-reviewed articles on AI applications in healthcare and related ethical concerns.

4. The Future of Remote Work and its Advantages: Convince individuals to embrace remote work as a viable and beneficial option. Research credible sources, including peer-reviewed articles, that explore the advantages of remote work and the impact on productivity and work-life balance.

To find credible sources, you can start by using academic databases such as Google Scholar, JSTOR, or ACM Digital Library. These platforms provide access to peer-reviewed articles and research papers. Additionally, you can check reputable IT publications, technology-focused news websites, and organizational websites related to your chosen topic for reliable information.

Remember to critically evaluate the credibility of your sources and ensure they align with your speech topic and goals.