What are two of the most influential Roman achievements today?

Which do you think are most influential today?


I think it's Roman Law.

I agree. That's one.

Two of the most influential Roman achievements that continue to impact society today are:

1. Law and Governance: The Romans were renowned for their legal system and the development of governance structures. The creation of the Twelve Tables, a set of laws that applied to all Roman citizens, laid the foundation for modern legal principles. Their concept of "innocent until proven guilty" and the establishment of judicial codes and procedures influenced legal systems around the world, including those in many Western countries. Roman governance, particularly the establishment of a republican system, inspired the development of democratic institutions in modern politics.

To delve deeper into this topic, you can explore Roman legal concepts, such as "ius civile" (civil law) and "ius gentium" (law of nations), and how they shaped the evolution of law. Additionally, studying the Roman Republic and its institutions, such as the Senate, magistrates, and the process of lawmaking, will provide insight into their impact on contemporary governance.

2. Engineering and Architecture: The Romans were masters of engineering and architecture, leaving behind an impressive legacy of monumental structures. Their use of arches, vaults, and domes allowed for the construction of massive buildings and infrastructural wonders such as aqueducts, roads, and sewers. The architectural style they developed, known as Roman architecture, heavily influenced subsequent architectural movements like Neoclassicism and Renaissance architecture.

To explore this topic further, one can study Roman engineering techniques, such as the use of concrete, the development of arches and vaults, and the principles behind their aqueduct systems. Examining iconic Roman structures like the Colosseum, the Pantheon, and the aqueduct of Segovia will provide insight into the technical prowess and aesthetic achievements of Roman architecture.

By understanding these two Roman achievements, we can appreciate their impact on various aspects of our modern society, from legal principles to urban planning and architecture.