df + 10 divided by 6 = g solve for f

Why are you having difficulties with these?

They all seem like the same type.

(df + 10)/6 = g
times 6
df + 10 = 6g
subtracct 6
df = 6g - 10
divide both sides by d
f = (6g-10)/d OR 6g/d - 10/d

To solve the equation df + 10 divided by 6 = g for f:

1. Start by isolating the term with f by moving the constant term to the other side of the equation.
Substract 10 from both sides of the equation:
df = g - 10

2. Next, divide both sides of the equation by d to solve for f.
Divide both sides of the equation by d:
f = (g - 10) / d

Therefore, to solve for f in the equation df + 10 divided by 6 = g, the solution is f = (g - 10) / d.

To solve for f in the equation df + 10 divided by 6 = g, we need to isolate the variable f on one side of the equation. Here's how you can do it step-by-step:

1. First, let's rearrange the equation to separate the terms involving f on one side:

df = g - (10/6)

2. Next, we need to get rid of the coefficient d attached to f. We can do that by dividing both sides of the equation by d:

df / d = (g - (10/6)) / d

3. By dividing df by d, the d's on the left side cancel out, and we are left with just f:

f = (g - (10/6)) / d

Therefore, the solution for f in terms of g and d is:

f = (g - (10/6)) / d