3. Select all of the numbers that are correctly written in scienctific notaton

A)42 x 10^5
B) 1.1 x 10^4
C) 7.0 x 20^4
D) 6.01 x 10^-4
E) 18.0 x 10^3

4. Simply
(2.0 x 10^4)(3.0 x 10^3)

A)6.0 x 10^7
B) 6.0 x 10^12
C) 6.0 x 10^5
D) 6.0 x 10^43

5. (7.0 x 10^6)+(2.0 x 10^6)

A)9.0 x 10^4
B) 9.0 x 10^12
C)9.0 x 10^6
D) 9.0 x 10^10

Shelby each one of those answers are entirely wrong you sack of crap.

here are the correct answers guys!

Steve, most of your answers are wrong.

1. C

2. D
3. B and D
4. A
5. C

Scientific notation practice 8th. Unit 3 lesson 7

molls respectfully shut the hell up

Lincoln B. Is correct thank you 100%

Lincoln is right.

The answers for connexus are


I just took the practice and these are all correct

hal is right i got a 100

the name says it all

Hal you are my life saver thank you much


just remember that in SN, a number is written in two parts:

N x 10^p
where 1.0 <= N < 10.0
p is an integer

With that in mind, what are your choices?

Answers from Lincoln are still right in 2022 :]

Hmm @googoogaga If hal is right then Lincoln B. is right plus Lincoln was the first to give the answers sooo Hal copied Lincoln i mean Hal might have not but hal submited thier answers at a wayyy different time :/

I think 3 is A and E I think 4 is C and I think 5 is A

guys stop hating on shelby. she is trying her best to help u cheaters that wont actual LEARN and not cheat. let me tell u you will regret it one day. i am here to CHECK my answers and learn from next time. you guys are disgusting that ur hating on others just because ur too lazy to do your actual work. u guys deserve the rot

#3 A? Really? Is 42 between 1 and 10?

B,C,D are all SN.

#4 A
(2.0 x 10^4)(3.0 x 10^3)
= (2.0)(3.0) x (10^4*10^3)
= 6.0 x 10^7

#5 C
Remember the distributive rule?
ac + bc = (a+b)c

(7.0 x 10^6)+(2.0 x 10^6)
= (7.0+2.0)x10^6
= 9.0x10^6

You clearly need to study up on the rules of exponents. Scientific notation is not mysterious, but you do have to remember the basic rules of arithmetic.