1. What do colonialism and imperialism both require?

A. one country giving money to another
B. 2 countries sharing resources**
C. 2 countries working together
D. one country ruling another country

2. What did West Africans trade to North Africans in exchange for salt?

A. camels
B. gold**
C. silver
D. masks

3. What is 1 negative effect of the huge oil reserves in Nigeria?

A. deforestation**
B. desertification
C. air and water pollution
D. unemployment

4. In which climate zone is Sahel located?

A. arid
B. semi-arid**
C. tropical wet
D. tropical wet and dry

5. What does it mean for land to be arable?

A. It is rich in mineral resources
B. It is covered with forests
C. Is is swarming with insects
D. It is able to be farmed**

6. The Atlantic slave trade began in the _____

A. 1500’s
B. 1600’s**
C. 1700’s
D. 1800’s

7. Desertification only occurs where trees are cut down faster than new ones grow

A. true**
B. fale

8. Subsistence farmers grow only enough food to feed their families

A. true
B. false**


Answers are:


100% You're Welcome! :)

Thanks Weirdo -100%


3 and 6 are now right.

Okay so is 1. D?

I got 8/8!! 1 is D

Weirdo is 100% correct

Danke Weirdo!!!

Thnx Weirdo



weirdo is correct thank you so much!!I'm failing this class so that was helpful!!!!!


i got a 100%

Wait do y’all take connections academy?

thank you weirdo!! (:

WOO-HOO!!! Weirdo was correct!

Weirdo is 100% right

1, 3, 6, 7, 8 are wrong.

The others are right.

Is 3. C and 6. A and 1. A?

Thanks 100%