Just checking my work :)

1. Complete the following sentence.
Juan es estudioso. Le gusta
a. cantar
b. leer***
c. esquiar
d. bailar

2. Complete the following sentence.
Marisol es una chica
a. simpatica***
b. simpatico
c. simpaticas
d. simpaticos

3. What is the correct way to say "the serious boy" in Spanish?
a. la seria chica
b. el serio chico
c. el chico serio***
d. la chica seria

4. What is the correct way to say "a talented girl" in Spanish?
a. la chica talentosa
b. una chica talentosa***
c. un chico talentoso
d. el chico talentoso

5. Which sentence shows correct order and agreement between articles, nouns, and adjectives?
a. Roberto es un chico muy reservado
b. Roberto es un muy reservado chico***
c. Roberto es un muy chico reservado
d. Roberto un es chico reservado

If any of my answers are wrong, please provide hints on how to correct it.


Spanish 1 A Unit 3: Como Somos?

Lesson 5: Review of Como Somos
1. B, Leer
2. A, Simpatica
3. C, El chico serio
4. B, Una chica talentosa
5. A, Roberto es un chico muy reservado
6. C, They are an important connection to the past
7. D, Spain
8. B, Dog
9. A, good and evil
10. A, to protect humans
This should get you a 10/10

So,the correct answers are:


Skel is 100% correct . I just received a 100% on my Spanish quiz.

SKEL IS CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Skel is right guys 100% for TCAH!!

thats not very cash money of you guys

Ok so I had a 10 question quiz but thank you for the first five answer they were 100% correct.

2. simpática needs the accent mark

5. The correct answer is a.

I'll flag this and come back later to see if you have additional questions.


B. A. C. B. B. C. D. B. A. A.

=D 100%

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.



Person above is correct.

great guys keep it up!

The person above me is right I got 100%

Person above Kendall is right I wish that I was kidding... but I am not, I got a 100%

lol im so glad this existssss. idk if i spelled that right

b is a

TOTALLY RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks you was 100% right and how did yall get here if yall wasn't on here cheating yall self

100% // the questions never got changed around.


Skel is still correct in 2022

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. A
10. A

100% you guys and girls!

ur mom is correct if you dont believe me look for yourself quizlet.com/91484647/spanish-1-unit-3-test-flash-cards/

The user above Kendall Rae is correct! & so is everyone else with the same answers!


CHANEL is mad that the answers are wrong lol



skel is correct thanks skel

2017 CCA Teacher and Others,

I understand your concern, but not everyone here is cheating. Most people usually do the Practice, Quick Check, Quiz, and/or Test, before they check their answers. It does not matter if you are a teacher or not. I am not taking this seriously.

Thank you for your worries,
Shush. I'm a bush!

oh yeah? what are you going to do about it? HM? HM? You arent even a real teacher.

B on 5 is incorrect 90

This is cheating