1. which of the following is not part of theory of evolution.

a. organisms end to produce more offspring than can survive to reproductive age.
b. organisms can acquire changes during their lifetime.***
c. organisms that do not survive to reproduce do not pass on their traits
d. organisms have variations in traits within a population

2.In Europe three lineageas of bears evolved from common ancestor. Two of those lineagears led to present day black and brown bears. the third lineagear led to cave bears that went extinct 24,000 years ago. Which of the following could explain why only one group of bears went extinct?
a. individual cave bears must not have been able to adapt to changing conditions as quickly as brown or black bears
b. one group of bears was less highly evolved then the other two groups and was destined to die out****
c. some environmental change severely threatened cave bears and survival of brown and black bears
d. random chance led to the extinction of cave bears and survival of brown bears
plzz help

1 b - yes

2 b - ? Why isn't c a better answer? Check your text.

thanks and yes maam I will

1. Correct, option b (organisms can acquire changes during their lifetime) is not part of the theory of evolution. The theory of evolution states that changes in a population's genetic makeup occur over generations through the process of natural selection.

2. Correct, option b (one group of bears was less highly evolved than the other two groups and was destined to die out) could explain why only one group of bears (cave bears) went extinct. Evolution does not necessarily imply that more "highly evolved" organisms will survive and less "highly evolved" organisms will die out. Extinction can be caused by various factors such as environmental changes, competition, or limited adaptations to new conditions.

To answer the first question, "which of the following is not part of the theory of evolution," you can examine each option and identify the one that does not align with the theory. Here are the options:

a. Organisms tend to produce more offspring than can survive to reproductive age.
b. Organisms can acquire changes during their lifetime.
c. Organisms that do not survive to reproduce do not pass on their traits.
d. Organisms have variations in traits within a population.

According to the theory of evolution, option b is not accurate. The theory of evolution does not propose that organisms can acquire changes during their lifetime. Instead, it suggests that changes in traits occur through genetic variations and are passed on to offspring through reproduction. Therefore, the correct answer is option b.

For the second question, "which of the following could explain why only one group of bears went extinct," you need to analyze the options and determine the most logical explanation. Here are the options:

a. Individual cave bears must not have been able to adapt to changing conditions as quickly as brown or black bears.
b. One group of bears was less highly evolved than the other two groups and was destined to die out.
c. Some environmental change severely threatened cave bears and the survival of brown and black bears.
d. Random chance led to the extinction of cave bears and the survival of brown bears.

Based on the information provided, option b is not a likely explanation. Evolution does not suggest that one group of organisms is more "highly evolved" than another, leading to extinction. Instead, evolution occurs through natural selection, where traits that are advantageous in a particular environment are more likely to be passed on to future generations. Therefore, the most plausible explanation is option c, suggesting that a specific environmental change severely threatened cave bears, resulting in their extinction, while brown and black bears were able to survive in different conditions.