simplify expression



18m - 42 - 24y + 10 + 4y + 24

18m - 20y - 8

Just use the distributive property to get rid of the parentheses:


Now you can use the commutative property to rearrange things:


If that m was really supposed to be a y, then you can fix it, I assume.

To simplify the expression 6(3m-7) - 2(12y-5) + 4(y+6), we need to apply the distributive property and combine like terms.

Let's simplify each term step by step:

1. Start with the first term: 6(3m-7).
Apply the distributive property by multiplying 6 with both terms inside the parentheses:
6 * 3m = 18m
6 * (-7) = -42
Therefore, this term becomes 18m - 42.

2. Move on to the second term: -2(12y-5).
Apply the distributive property by multiplying -2 with both terms inside the parentheses:
-2 * 12y = -24y
-2 * (-5) = 10
Therefore, this term becomes -24y + 10.

3. Next, look at the third term: 4(y+6).
Apply the distributive property by multiplying 4 with both terms inside the parentheses:
4 * y = 4y
4 * 6 = 24
Therefore, this term becomes 4y + 24.

Now, combine all the terms together:
(18m - 42) - (24y + 10) + (4y + 24)

To remove the parentheses indicating subtraction, change the signs inside the second parentheses:
18m - 42 - 24y - 10 + 4y + 24

Combine like terms:
(18m - 24y + 4y) + (-42 - 10 + 24)
18m - 20y + (-28)

Finally, combine the constant terms:
18m - 20y - 28

Therefore, the simplified expression is 18m - 20y - 28.