When the movie is half over, popcorn sells for half price. Full price popcorn is $3.50, and drinks are $1.35. Determine the cost for purchasing 3 orders of popcorn and 3 drinks when the movie is half over.


its 9.30

it is 9.30

3[1/2(3.50) + 1.35]

Thank you man

9.30 for this one the other one was for something similar. But THIS IS THE ANSWER!!!!

it is 9.30

Its 9.30

thanks that helped me a lot!!!! it was 9.30

I still need help on thee question

The cost for the drinks is 2



fat boy you ugly you suck


3.50 / 2 = 1.75


1.35 / = 0.675 ://

hmm...I don't know about the drinks, but I'm sure about the popcorn. Anyway, do you have multiple choice questions?

Shalee gave you a good start. Can you take it from there, james?